General information :
In every town or city waste of different types such as spent water from the bathrooms, kitchen, house and Street washing, from various industrial process, human and animal extra, broken furniture it is etc produce Daily.
In proper arrangement for the collection treatment and disposal of all the waste produced from town or city are not made, they will go on accounting and creating such a foul. Conditions that the safety or structure will be in dangerous due to accumulation.
In addition of this disease will bread up in stagnant water bodies and the health of public will be in danger all the dream cable water will be polluted total insanitary conditions will be developed in the town or city.
Therefore it is most essential to collect trade and disposal of all waste products of city in such a way that it may not causes any have to the people.
Definitions of some common term used in Sanitary Engineering :
Anti Siphonage Pipe :
A pipe which is install in the house drainage to preserve the water seal trap in know as anti-syponic pipe. It maintains proper ventilation and does not allow to siphonic action to take place.
Vent pipe :
The pipe install for the purpose of ventilation is known as vent pipe.
West pipe :
The term waste pipe is used to indicate the pipe which carries discharge from sanitary fitting such as bathroom, kitchen, sinks etc.
Invert pipe :
In lower most level or surface of a sewage is known as its invert.
Refuse :
The term refuse is used to indicate what is a rejected or leftover if is divided into the 5 categories.
Garbage :
the term garbage is used to indicate dry refuse and its include decayed fruits, vegetable, paper, leaus , grass etc.
Sewage :
The term sewage indicate the liquid is generated from the domestic activity.
- Combined sewage : the indicate a combination of domestic sewage, storm water and industrial effulent.
- Raw sewage : this indicates the sewage that is not traded.
- Fresh sewage : this term is used to indicates the sewage which has been recently originated or produced.
Storm water :
the term storm water is used to indicate the rainwater of the locality.
Sab soil water :
This indicates the groundwater which finds its energy into sewage through leakage.
Sullage :
The Term Sullage is used to indicate the wastewater generaling from bathroom and kitchens.
Sewer :
Branch Sewer : the silver which obtain its discharge from a few laterals sewer to the maintain sewer is known as branch sewage.
Combined Sewer : the Sewer which carries domestic sewage and Strom water is known as combined swear.
Common Sewer : this Sewer on which all the sectors have equal legal rights to discharge their liquid is no as common sewer.
Lateral sewer : the Sewer obtaining its discharge directly from building are know as Lateral sewer.
Main sewer : the sewer which obtain its discharge from few branch sewer snow as main sewer.
Trunk sewer : the sewer obtain it's discharge from two or more main sewer is known as trunk sewer.