1. Biological Processes for Wastewater Treatment (3161304)
- Unit: 1 Measurement of Organic Pollutants of wastewater
- Unit : 2 Introduction to Biological Treatment
- Unit: 3 Reactions and Reactors
- Unit: 4 Microbial Growth Kinetics
- Unit: 5 Biological Treatment Systems
- Unit: 6 Natural Treatment Systems
- Paper solution : 13-12-2022
- Paper solution: 01-06-2022
2. Design of water Treatment Units (3161306)
- Unit: 1 Sources of water and water treatment schemes
- Unit: 2 Design of Parshall Flume for flow measuring
- Unit: 3 Design of Coarse Screen and Fine Screen for water treatment
- Unit: 4 Design of Rapid mixers & flocculators
- Unit: 5 Design of Clari flocculator, Primary Sedimentation Tank & Tube Settlers for water treatment
- Unit: 6 Design of Rapid Sand Filtration Systems for water treatment.
- Unit: 7 Design of Disinfection Unit
- Unit: 8 Detailed Design of Water Treatment Plant with Layout and hydraulic profile
- Unit: 9 Water Treatment Plant Residuals
- Unit: 10 Special water treatment for Specific Parameters
- Paper solution : 14-12-2022
- Paper solution : 03-06-2022
3. Air Pollution Control and Management (3161308)
- Unit: 1 Emission Quality Requirements
- Unit: 2 Control of Particulates
- Unit: 3 Control Of Gaseous Pollutants
- Unit: 4 Mobile Sources
- Unit: 5 Sources and Air Pollution control systems for following industries
- Paper solution : 16-12-2022
- Paper solution : 08-06-2022
4. Environmental Legislation & Audit (3161310)
- Unit: 1 Introduction
- Unit: 2 Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1974
- Unit: 3 Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981
- Unit: 4 Water Cess Act 1977
- Unit: 5 Environmental Protection Act 1986
- Unit: 6 Notifications under EPA 1986
- Unit: 7 National Green Tribunal Act 2010
- Unit: 8 Introduction to ISO 14000, 14001
- Unit: 9 Environmental Audit: Definitions, object
- Paper solution: 17-12-2022
5. Global Warming and Climate Change (3161312)
- Unit: 1 Basics of Climate Change
- Unit: 2 Green House Gases
- Unit: 3 Basics of Global Warming
- Unit: 4 Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS)
- Unit: 5 Policies and legislation
- Unit: 6 Climate Change Modeling
- Paper solution: Date : 15-12-2022
- Paper solution: Date : 06-06-2022