➙Volatile acids are volatile that is easily vapourised it can be easily steam distillation collected and their concentration can be determine.
➙Example : carbonic acid, acidic acid and volatile CO2.
➙Volatile acid determination is widely used in control of anaerobic waste treatment process.
➙In biochemical decomposition organic matter relative and anaerobic bacteria performed decomposition.
➙In anaerobic decomposition this bacteria performed degradation of organic matter.
➙The four steps process of anaerobic decomposition are :
- Hydrolysis
- Acidogenesis
- Acetogenesis
- Methanogenesis
➙Bacteria of first step hydrolysis and convert complex material to low molecular weight compound such as sugar and lipids etc.
➙The bacteria in second and third stage performed the fermentation of sugar, lipids etc.
➙The by products are seconds inform lower molecular faty acid such as acidic acid, propionic acid, beautani acid and to laser extend isometric acid, isoveloric acid and ceptroic acid all produce. ( Are important compounds.)
➙This lower molecular weight fatty acids are termed as volatile acid because they can be distilled at atmospheric pressure the accumulation of volatile acid can be dangerous for anaerobic treatment if buffering capacity of the system is extent and pH fals to unfavorable lable.
➙The bacteria of the first step consumes the acidic acid which is the by product of second and third stage.
➙The methane forming bacteria are Ubquitous (presence everywhere) but population is low compared to fermentative bacteria.
I➙f satisfactory bacteria between methane producing bacteria and fermented tube bacteria is not there then change in balance in the reactor mein occur.
I➙n order to maintain sufficient population of the bacteria during starter of the reactor seeding sufficient population is used.
➙In order to provide the buffering capacity against the pH change sufficient alkalineity has to be maintaine.
➙if sufficient alkalinity not there in the reactor volatile acid production will not be neutralize which will decrease the PH below 6.5 at this PH methane forming bacteria are seriously in habitat but fermentative bacteria still produce in the reactor which reduce the pH below 5 , under search unbalance condition concentration of volatile acid may increase 2000 to 6000 mg/d.
➙Neutralizing agent are to be added to develop active methane generation the sludge iron wastewater should be diluted and neutralize at the time sludge must be removed from the reactor and continue of floods remove should not be large otherwise population of methane formula will be decrease.
Theoretical consideration :
➙Volatile acids as intermediate during and hydresting of carbohydrate protein and fats.
➙The anaerobic digestion occurring 4 steps. First two stage convert complex compound to the simpler from producing fatty acid, alcohol, carbon dioxide , ammonia and some hydrogen.
➙The third stage produce low molecular weight fatty acid that is acidic acid, hydrogen and formic acid.
➙input step methane is produced from acidic acid and also from CO2 and hydrogen gas.
➙In order to maintain levels of volatile acid third and four stage are to be manage and level of hydrogen is to be maintained low.
➙The level of hydrogen formic acid and acidic acid to maintain low acid form are depend methane from as depend hydrogen pressure utilise acidic acid adversely during anaerobic reaction treatment of domestic sludge and many industrial waste about 32% is converted to acidic acid.
➙The major buffering material that pH drop is by carbonate which in aquarium carbonic acid tanks to regulate H+ iron concentration.
➙Accounting to Henry's law equilibrium exist between partial pressure due to in the gas phase and carbon dioxide and carbonic acid concentration.
- Chromatography
- Distillation method
Chromatography :
➙Separation of compounds from solution due to difference in it affinity.
Distillation Method :
➙in the next lecture 🤪 ( Update soon )