The measurement of data on some properties of phenomena, object or material. Bye recording device not in physical contact which the future under surveyance technique involve a massive knowledge pentaining to environment by measuring 4 films ( electromagnetic radiation or costic energy ) employing cemars. Radio metres, scanners, laser, radio frequency, receiver, reader system, thermal device and other instrument.
Remote sensing is technique or Technology for sampling, radiation and 4 phase 2 accurate and interprint Geo particle data to developed the information about future object and classic on the earth surface sea and atmosphere.
Remote sensing process :
There are 7 steps of remote sensing process which are as follow,
- Energy source
- Radiation at the atmosphere
- Interaction energy with target
- Recording of energy hydro sensor
- Transmission, recaption and processing
- Intermediate and analysis
- Applications
The first requirement the remote sensing to have energy source to element the target unless the remotely sense energy is being emitted by the carbonate.
The three basic way in which energy can be transferred include
- Conduction
- convection
- radiation
The transfer energy by radiation is primary interest in remote sensing because of it is only form of energy transport that can take place in vacuum such as the reason between the sun and earth.
There are different bonds or channels can be utilise in remote sensing.
1. Optical bond ( 0.3 to 3 micrometer )
Optical reason white bonds that includes 0.3 to 15 micrometer significance energy source for refraction remain only with wavelength.
2. Ultra valent ( 0.3 to 0.4 micrometre )
Ultraviolet of UV rays are there very small and high affected by the atmospher.
3. Visible bond( ( 0.4 to 0.7 micrometer )
The reason can be humans at the sub reason are red blue and green.
4. Infrarate ( 0.7 to 1 mm )
This reason has to men sub reason 1. Reflective interference 2 thermal interference.
5. Reflective interference ( 0.7 to 3 mm )
Come with optical reason electro can be reflect from the object it has to reason that is long interference and short range interference.
6. Near interference ( NIR ) ( 0.7 to 0.9 )
Suspense of this reason that is 0.7 to 0.9 micrometer is known as photography interference.
7. Short wave interference ( 1.3 to 3mm)
This interference also know as mie interference.
8. Thermal interference ( TIR ) ( 0.3 to 1mm )
this reason also known as for interference energy in this reason cannot be reflect from the reactor its emitted by the object.
9. Photographic range ( 0.3 to 0.9 mm )
Electromagnetic radiation within the photographic region can be record as photographic films as well as digital media EMR outside of the reason cannot record on films must be record on digital media.
10. Photographic interference bond ( 0.7 to 0.9 mm )
Only this portion of interference reason can be record on photographic film this band substance with near interference.
11. Microwave band ( 1mm to 1 meters )
Microwave ring bond is again sub division of several sub reason.
Interaction with atmosphere
One electromagnetic radiation generated first it is propagate to the vacuum almost the speed of light then through the earth atmosphere unlike the vacuum in which nothing happens however the atmosphere maybe not only the radiation but also its wavelength it's intensity and spectro distribution.
This effects are caused by mainly to mechanism absorption and scattering EMI directly due to relation and deflection.
1. Absorption
Absorption is the causes by which variety energy can be absorb and convert into other form energy the absorption of intensity radiation energy in atmosphere and absorbond is range of wavelength electromagnetic radiation with in which radiation energy absorbed by a substance.
Ozone, CO2, water vapour and mainly three consider that absorb the radiation.
The atmospheric gas absorb electromagnetic energy in different specific reason of the spectrum they influence by where we can remote sensing process.
Those area of the spectro which are not swelling influence by the atmosphere absorption are utilised by remote sensors are collected atmospheric window.