It is the science of which deal with occurrence, Distribution and movement of water on the Earth including that in the atmosphere and below the surface of earth. 


Hydrology is the study of the water movement through the Earth surface into the atmosphere and back into various form. 

The Term hydrology is formed Greek words hydro "water" and logos means "study".

Hydrology is the science that trade the water of the earth there occurrence circulation and distribution, there Chemicals and physical properties and their reaction with their environment including their relation to living things, The hydrology embracers the full life history of water on the earth. 

There are Two Types of Hydrology,

  • Surface water Hydrology ( Above the surface )
  • Sub Surface Hydrology ( Underground water ) 


Tea 27 litter per Cup for 250 ml water use
Coffee 132 litre per Cup for 125 ml water use

Hydrology include atmospheric water, surface water, sub surface.

  • Infiltration ( groundwater in filtration )
  • Springs 
  • Evaporation ( Remove water by soils, pumping and Extraction )