Handling, Separation, Storage, and Processing of Municipal Solid Waste

Handling, Separation, Storage, and Processing of Municipal Solid Waste

Storage of Solid Waste at Source (MISWM)

Factors affecting storage of MSW include:

The Effect of Storage on Waste Components

Storage of solid waste at the source must consider factors affecting waste components.

The Types of Container to be Used

The container location, public health, and aesthetics are important in storage of waste.

Effect of storing waste includes:

  • Biological or microbial decomposition
  • Odor attraction, life, and formation of insects
  • Absorption of fluid and separation of mixture
  • Paper absorbing moisture from food and garden waste

The Contaminants of Wastewater Component

Motor oil, household cleaners, and paints contaminate and reduce the value of waste for recycling.

The Types of Container

The types and capacity of containers depend on solid waste characteristics, collection system, frequency, and available space.

There are two types of container systems:

  • Haul container
  • Sanitary container

The Container Location

Container location depends on dwelling type, available space, and collection services.

In low-rise buildings, containers are usually placed on-site or in alleys.

Distance between containers of households should not exceed 250 meters.

Public Health

Public health is related to infection of areas used for waste storage.

Proper sanitation can control pests and flies.